heloooo..hye semua..salam sabtu..hukhuk..!ape hal nyer neh tibe2 jer neh..erk..!actually xde bnde nk merapu meroyan..eh..tuh kate2 youuu tuh..heheh..aq merepek meraban..yuoooo..nice to meet n noe you..!wahhhh..ape kes kan..tak per layan jela..hari neh aq bangun tido lewat sbb nyer semlm aq tak bole nk tido..lepas solat subuh baru aq bole tido..dlm pukul 7 jugak aq tido rse nyer..huuuu..so sbb tuh aq bangun td pukul 9.42 pagi..erk..!nmpk mcm tak sesuai dgn seorg gadis tp neh bersebab so kire halal..huuu..okeh pas dh bangun tido tuh aq terus msuk bilik air take a bath and terus on lappy sbb nk continue buat "research"..wahhh..sgt kan..so dh semua research di buat aq rse a bit sad but im happy too becoz im happy and satisfied dgn research aq..okeh semlman aq tak tido sbb research neh tahu tak.??ok fine aq tak tahu ape lagi nk cakap..tp yg pasti nyer dalam hati neh macam2 ade doe..ape pown aq still kuat..eh cukup lar tuh pasal research nyer pas dh siap research tuh aq sambung lak meng-edit gmbr2 aq..gmbr2 yg aq snap mse tgh bosan2 tggu nk amik balqish kelua dri sekolah dye..nk tgk..?neh lar hasil nyer..heheh..enjoy yeahhhh..!!
cheeee :D |
okeh smile :) |
ntah ape motif ^_^' |
ngeeee..:p |
tabikkk..!! |
again tabikkkk..!!comel tak..?heheh.. |
nahhhh..muahxxx..!! |
huuuu..! |
tabikkk shomel nme nyer neh..!mse kawad xnk tabik sekrg bru nk tabikkkk..!! |
aq suke sgt yg neh sbb mate aq sgt brown..!ori okeh..! |
what ever..! |
muahx..! |
haaaa..tuh ler hasil nyer..eh..msti korang pelik kan sbb rambut aq kejap curl kejap lurus..almaklumlar lately aq mmg suke buat rambut neh..tak tau kenape suke sbb dh lame tak ke saloon so bile dh dpt g saloon tuh neh lar jadi nyer..mcm2 style aq buat..but u now what based on gmbr yg aq dh upload dlm fb ramai yg like and suggest aq utk buat curl sbb nmpk lagi cantik..auchhhh..!!so sweet kawan2 abah..i will do it ok u ollz..sbb korg suke kn tgk aq dgn rambut curl kan so nahhh aq buat nnti yer..heheh..ok tggu next entry yer..!:)
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